What Not to Do on a First Date

The first date for a couple is what will set the stage for things to come. It is where the first impressions are established. It is an exciting time.

It is also a time to where if you are not careful you can be certain you will never have a date with this person again. The first date is especially a time to be on your best polished behavior while also being yourself. Here are some pointers for what not to do on a first date: 1.

Do not be late. Although this is not a sure nail in the coffin for future dates with the person, you need to take care and give the other person you are having a date with the respect and benefit of the doubt. Some people absolutely cannot stand it when the other is late. 2. Don't mention marriage on the first date at all.

As a matter fact, don't mention it on the second or third either. Be very careful how you introduce the subject of marriage as the relationship begins to grow. 3. Don't check your email if you bring your first date to your apartment. That is poor taste. 4.

Don't talk on your cell phone. This is poor taste as well. You should be paying attention to your date.

Remember that there is a reason someone invented voice mail. Use it to your advantage. 5.

Don't lie and make yourself out to be someone you're not. It will catch up to you in the end and the other person who finds out will be more hurt than you. 6.

Knock it off with the 20 questions routine. Don't ask a lot of questions. That's irritating.

7. Don't talk about yourself all the time. The other is not impressed.

In fact if you like to talk about yourself all the time the other will quickly dump you. 8. Don't drink too much.

However there have been some romances made where both in the couple are heavy drinkers. The danger here is that if one or both ever sober up they might not be able to stand each other. So if you are a heavy drinker you might want to consider changing your ways before seriously dating. 9.

If you are a guy taking a lady out on a first date, don't talk to all your female friends that you run into and ignore your date. The same holds true for the ladies. 10. Don't talk about all your past relationships.

You can rest assured the other is not interested. 11. Don't talk about the past where others hurt you. You would be surprised how many others really do not care.

12. If your apartment is a mess, don't take your date over there. 13.

And if you do take your date to your messy apartment, make sure you wash the glasses before you offer a beverage to your date. While this may seem humorous, it happens. Guys are notorious for letting the dishes pile up. 14. If you are a guy, pick up your date on the first date with your wheels. If the lady offers then it's okay but more than likely she would like you to pick her up.

You can probably think of many more things that you shouldn't do on the first date. The important thing is to be the best possible gentleman or lady you can be. It is that first impression that will stick for a long time.

For more tips and resources to help you navigate the dating scene visit: http://www.websitedatingreview.com/blog/

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